Do not contact or communicate with the Applicant.

You have been served with a Temporary Protection Order Against Domestic Violence (an "Order") that orders you to stop all contact/communication with the Applicant and to stay away from the addresses/locations listed in the Order. IF YOU DISOBEY THE PROTECTION ORDER, YOU MAY BE ARRESTED, JAILED AND/OR FINED. You have also been served with an Order For Hearing; on that date a Judge will hear your case and decide if the Protection Order should expire or be extended.

  • You may not contact the Applicant - not in person, not by telephone, not by email, not by mail, not through third parties or by an other means whatsoever.
  • If you think the Order is a mistake or if you have questions regarding the Order, contact the Family Violence Intervention Program. This office is located at Family Court, 601 N. Pecos, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89101, (702) 455-3400 [at the corner of Pecos and Bonanza]. They will explain the procedure for asking the Judge to cancel (dissolve) the Order and can help you complete the paperwork asking the Judge to dissolve the Order. Do not contact the Applicant.
  • If you have questions regarding custody, visitation or support for your children, you can ask the Judge at the hearing. Do not contact the Applicant.
  • At the Hearing: This will be your chance to talk to the Judge. You may tell the Judge why you think the protection order is wrong, why you should have custody of your children, or the dates and times when you would like the Judge to allow you to visit your children. You may ask the Judge to assist you in getting your belongings or other items that are currently held by the Applicant.

YOU MAY WISH TO CONSULT AN ATTORNEY TO EXPLAIN THE ORDER. An attorney can answer your questions concerning the Order and concerning custody, visitation or support for your children. The Nevada State Bar has an Attorney Referral Service that you can call at 382-0504. In addition, the Self-Help Center at Family Court (702) 455-1500 has binders containing the names, addresses and telephone numbers of attorneys licensed to practice in Nevada. The UNLV Boyd School of Law, in cooperation with Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada and Nevada Legal Services, offers free Community Legal Education Classes on Divorce and Custody and Paternity (among others); these legal information classes may answer some of your questions. Call 386-1070, option 1 for the dates and times of the classes.

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725 E. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89104
tel (702) 386-1070, fax (702) 366-0569
TDD: (702) 386-1059