Learn more about the Children’s Attorneys Project and our work in education by clicking here to view our Year-End Program Report. Legal Aid Center is proud of our work, and we are glad to stand up for kids.

The Children’s Attorneys Project (CAP) represents some of the most vulnerable children in our community, serving as the child's voice and allowing a client to take an active role and responsibility in their own destiny. We represent:

  • Every abused and neglected child in the foster care system, including all survivors of sex trafficking;
  • Children whose educational opportunities are being thwarted by the Clark County School District, especially students with disabilities who are not receiving special education services that would allow them to thrive and succeed; and
  • Children in need of a legal guardian, including those in need of immediate medical assistance, school stability, and permanence.

Cute solitary little girl


The Children's Attorneys Project was formed in 1999 from a task force of County Commissioners, Clark County District Court, social workers, attorneys, family law judges, and state children's rights workers. The fundamental goal was to create a method for abused and neglected children who are in foster care placement, in institutions, or wards of the state to have a voice in court and speak out for their futures.

CAP celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2019. That same year, the program was honored to receive the inaugural award for Outstanding Children’s Law Office from the National Association of Counsel for Children. The CAP team not only represents youth in Clark County’s foster care system, they also advocate for the clients’ special education, behavioral/mental health, and medical needs to ensure the children’s rights are enforced. 

The year 2024 marks CAP's 25th anniversary. On June 1, our Minor Guardianship Advocacy Program (MGAP) shifted from the Guardianship Advocacy Program to the Children's Attorneys Project. MGAP and CAP serve children and the synergies of training, cross-training, coverage, and innovation in court models lend to practice overlap.

Get Involved

If you want to volunteer to represent a child, our team will help you learn how. Go to www.lacsn.org/volunteer.

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725 E. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89104
tel (702) 386-1070, fax (702) 366-0569
TDD: (702) 386-1059