
Concerned About Losing Your Home?

If you are facing foreclosure, beware of scammers! Generally, you do not need to pay anyone to seek a loan modification for you. You should be very suspicious if someone knocks on your door telling you that they can save your home. You can do it yourself, or there are organizations that will do this for free. Our non-profit partner Money Management International (702-364-0344) works with homeowners to help modify their mortgages for free, regardless of income. 

Be aware, that scammers monitor the recorder’s website to find out who is facing foreclosure. Then they approach the homeowner with promises of help. They make their papers look very official so be skeptical, especially if they ask for money.

Alarms should go off in your head if someone says they can save your home by transferring ownership. Don’t ever deed your house over to someone. Don’t ever sign a quitclaim deed.

Don't wait. If the process has progressed too far, it may be too late to stop foreclosure of your home.

  1. Call your lender and ask for assistance. Most lenders have programs where they work with homeowners to modify loans. Start early because it may take several weeks to process a request.
  2. If you do receive a notice of default, you can request mandatory mediation under NRS 107.086 which will require your lender to sit down with you and discuss modification options.
  3. Be patient and understanding, because lenders are busy during this financial crisis. And always remember, that most people at the lender are just doing their jobs but will help you if they can.
  4. If you are having difficulty with your lender, then seek help from Money Management International (702-364-0344).
  5. The Money Matters site maintained by the Federal Trade Commission offers short, practical tips and links to helpful resources under Your Home. Topics include: mortgage payments, foreclosure rescue scams, reverse mortgages and mortgage servicing.

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725 E. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89104
tel (702) 386-1070, fax (702) 366-0569
TDD: (702) 386-1059